Page Blanche - The Blank Page

street theatre / live painting / music 

Australian aborigines believe that "The world only exists if pictures are painted and songs are sung about it". For us, the world only exists if its walls sing and paint its history, in vivid images - explosions of colour and musical celebration. Here and now, with our bare hands and voices.

As though we were firing back at the sterile images with nothing more to say about the world that bombard us, trying to sell it to us instead, through the billboards that claim squatters’ rights at every street corner and occupy the tiniest free space in our field of vision. From the tiniest alleyway of our hamlets, where every window reflects the glow of a familiar bluish light, up to the gigantic façades of the Shangaï sky-scrapers, trying to hypnotise us with the images of a perfect, vitrified world that they regurgitate, day and night. 

An opportunity for passers-by to reclaim their own space by inventing stories to restore its very own charm - stories to widen our horizon.

Luc Amoros: conception, text, stage direction
Richard Harmelle: musical composition
Vincent Frossard: technical design and construction
Mathieu Desanlis: administration
Gwenaëlle Plougonven: production, promotion, communication

with:Lou Amoros-Augustin or Aude Ardoin
Suzanne Berelowitch
Pierre Biebuyck
Agnès Bourgeois
Sylvie Eder
Katharina Ernst
Jérôme Fohrer: electric bass, upright bass

Vincent Frossard: general stage management
Martin Descourvières: light and scaffolding
Emmanuel Coutin: light and scaffolding
Emmanuel Haessig: sound